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Cookies policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser every time you visit a website. They are used so that the website remembers your last visit when you browse the page again. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, customised content, statistical data, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of a cookie is to adapt the website content to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any website would be significantly reduced.

What cookies are NOT

A cookie is NOT a virus, a Trojan, a worm, spam, spyware, or a popup window. Cookies have been used for 20 years, ever since the first internet browsers appeared.

Information stored in a cookie

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit card or bank details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data they do store is of a technical nature, personal preferences, personalisation of content, etc. The web server does not associate you as a person but rather your web browser. In fact, if you usually browse with Internet Explorer and try to browse the same website using Firefox or Chrome, you will find that the website does not recognise that you are the same person because it is actually associating the browser, not the person.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be of two kinds: first-party cookies or third-party cookies. First-party cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and third party cookies are those generated by external services or providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.

Types of cookies that can be used

Following the guidelines from the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we will explain how this website uses or may use cookies:

– Analytical cookies: These are cookies that, either processed by us or by third parties (such as Google Analytics), allow us to quantify the number of users of our website, and thus carry out a measurement and statistical analysis, in order to improve the range of products or services that we offer you.

– Customisation cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics, depending on the user's browsing, such as the language or type of browser through which he or she connects to the service.

– Technical cookies: These allow the user to browse in restricted areas of our website or to use its functions, such as being able to carry out a purchase process or log in.

– Social network cookies: These are used by each social network displayed on the website so that you can interact with them, such as using "Like" or "Share" buttons.

– Personalised advertising cookies: These cookies are processed by us and by third parties. They allow for the most effective possible management of the range of advertising space on the website, adapting the content of the advertising to the services requested and to the use made of our website. To this end, we may analyse the User’s Internet browsing habits, and we may show a User advertisements that are tailored to his/her browsing profile.

– Advertising behavioural cookies: These cookies allow the most efficient management of the advertising spaces available on the website. This type of cookie stores information on the behaviour of visitors obtained through the on-going observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to show advertising based on it.

What happens if you disable cookies?

If you delete and block all cookies from this site, the website will not function or the quality of the website may be affected. To help you understand the extent to which disabling cookies may affect browsing, here are some examples:

– You will not be able to share content from that website on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network.

– The website will not be able to adapt the contents to your personal preferences, as it usually happens in online shops.

– You will not be able to access the personal area of that website, such as "My account", or "My profile" or "My orders".

– Online shops: It will be impossible for you to make purchases online, they will have to be made by telephone or by visiting the physical shop if there is one.

– It will not be possible to personalise your geographical preferences such as time zone, currency or language.

– The website will not be able to perform web analytics on visitors and web traffic, which will make it difficult for the website to be competitive.

– You will not be able to write on the blog, upload photos, post comments, evaluate or rate content. The website will also not be able to know if you are a human or an automated application that is publishing spam.

– You will not be able to see segmented advertising, which will reduce the website's advertising income.

– All social networks use cookies; if you disable them, you will not be able to use any social network.

How to disable or delete cookies

You can remove or block cookies at any time, either generally or specifically for a domain. These actions are carried out differently depending on the browser you are using, and the way you do this may vary depending on the browser version:

– Chrome:

1. Go to Settings or Preferences via the File menu or by clicking on the customisation icon at the top right.

2. You will see different sections, click on the option Show advanced options.

3. Go to Privacy, Content settings.

4. Select All cookies and site data.

5. You will see a list of all cookies sorted by domain. To make it easier for you to find cookies from a particular domain, enter all or part of the address in the Search for cookies field.

6. After performing this filter, one or more lines will appear on the screen with the cookies from the requested website. Now all you have to do is select one and press the X to proceed to its elimination.

– Internet Explorer:

1. Go to Tools, Internet options.

2. Click on Privacy.

3. Move the slider until you have adjusted the level of privacy you want.

– Firefox:

1. Go to Options or Preferences depending on your operating system.

2. Click on Privacy.

3. Under History, choose Use custom settings for history.

4. You will now see the option Accept cookies, you can turn it on or off according to your preferences.

– Safari for OSX:

1. Go to Preferences, then Privacy.

2. Here you will see the Block all cookies option where you can set the type of blocking you want to do.

– Safari for iOS:

1. Go to Settings, then Safari.

2. Go to Privacy & Security, you will see the Block all cookies option to set the type of blocking you want to do.

– Android:

1. Open the browser and press the Menu key, then Settings.

2. Go to Security & Privacy, you will see the Accept cookies option where you can check or uncheck the box.

Additional notes

– Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or truthfulness of the privacy policies adopted by the third parties mentioned in this cookie policy.

– A web browser is the tool used to store cookies and this is where you should exercise your right to delete or deactivate them. This website and its legal representatives cannot guarantee the correct handling of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.

– In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser remembers your decision not to accept cookies.

– In the case of Google Analytics cookies, Google stores the cookies on servers located in the United States and undertakes not to share them with third parties, unless legally obliged to do so, or when it is necessary for the system to function. According to Google, it does not save your IP address. The company Google Inc. adheres to the Safe Harbour Agreement, which guarantees that the transferred data will be treated with a level of protection compliant with European standards.

– For any further information or clarifications regarding this cookies policy, do not hesitate to send us a message in the contact section.